At the end of it, you may end up feeling lost, rejected, and trying to figure out when and how things went south when discussing something you care deeply about with your partner. You were rather deliberate and slow with each other leading up to the point where you became physical. Sometimes, you wanted to advance quickly given the feeling or attraction but you did not and opted to take time and build up the necessary trust. This could not be mistaken for anything more reasonable, right?

Nevertheless, after the first intimate experiences, something changed. He started pulling away from you, could be contributed to the fact that he was not as accessible as he used to be, or he could phase out of your life all together. It is this kind of change that can make you dizzy and start to rethink every move you’re making. You really don’t know why this happened and the feeling of loss that you experience lets you erect barriers around the heart in order to avoid getting hurt again.
But on a very basic level you do not feel like a person who wants to cocoon herself from love. You think that being in love is a brave thing and it is worth it. However, the fear of being getting hurt remains present which is why this article will give you some basic understanding. The more you are able to comprehend, the more prepared you will be for the like in the future.

This paper seeks to find out why people shift after intimacy: This research questions will be used to guide this study:
He Was Only Interested in the Physical Aspect
For some male respondents, relationship could simply be for the purpose of intimate contact. After that, the respondents said that they might lose any further desire in taking the relationship to another level.
His passion got the better of him.
This first feeling could have dominated some qualities he did not like about the beautiful lady. Once he was intimate with you, he could have discovered that you are not a good match.
The Chemistry Wasn’t What He Expected
Unfortunately, in many cases, the kind of chemistry you imagine building on the first date is as good as it gets in theory. What he desires might be quite different from what is physically possible and this might make him to retract.
He’s worried by how fast everything is changing
You reign in relationships in a way some people might not be aware you do, sometimes through your light/soul/essence. A lot of men will chase you intensively, but if intimacy is the tool that was employed to seal the relationship, the reactions in this area will be different. Despite the fact that touch is an aspect of connection, it shouldn’t be the leading aspect of connection. If he feels like things got way over his head that can invoke his fear or apprehension.

Moving Forward: How to Establish Clarity
Still, to successfully tread these legal grounds, make sure that you are clear on the expectations from the particular relationship. Here are some steps to consider:
Be Sure With What You Want or Aim At
Be sure to discuss your requirement fearlessly in as much as you will want to express your expectations in the relationship. This clarity will make it possible to bring your expectations towards him to the same level.
Encourage Honesty From Him
Make him aware that you can take his insight seriously. There is a need to find out whether the man is fully committed in the partnership or income, or it is just the physical attraction.
Assess the Dynamic
If this means that he is far more concerned with physical relations, one would have to wonder if there is any sense in continuing the relationship at all?
Recognize Your Worth
Do not sell yourself short and do not allow a person to take advantage of you because they do not deserve the best version of you.

This is so because, even if you took lots of time, he may still regard it as wrongful to proceed with such closeness and intimacy as the two of you have. The two of you need to have time apart in order to cool off and properly analyze feelings and needs. Such understanding is helpful to shape future relationships more beneficially and improve one’s stock of emotional resources.
Finally, it is high time for people to take a courageous and clear decision to experience the feeling of love. Even though this might be painful it can also be a good way to learn and understand what you want in your interpersonal relationships. Understand the training and stay receptive to the things that are yet to come.
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