In love, feeling like a priority is very important and that is why people should pay much attention to this question. If your partner does not make you a priority it’s possible that the two of you are not right for each other. Love is all about making the partner happy and content.
What it feels to wake up knowing that you might be a stand-by for somebody can be a rather painful and tiring feeling. You are always made to feel you’re not important in their life and that you have no reason to be around them. I hope this gives you the reminder you need of the fact that you don’t need to be an extra; you should be the main focus. Here are some key signs to look out for:

- He’ll take ages to reply to your messages.
For instance, if you realize that he always spends too much time before responding to your text messages, then you realize you are not his priority. A person who really cares for you would than respond more keenly and be ready to communicate with you.

- He often takes a decision at the eleventh hour.
If he frequently plans dates and takes you out at the last minute, then, unfortunately, you are low on his list of priorities. A valued partner will go out of their way to arrange for time and this way, they will put you on their calendar.

- The man does not even try to come visit you.
If he is not willing to go out of his way to get time with you it may well be that you are in the slow category. A caring partner will try to work for it and value your relationship, he or she will make sure to spend quality time together.

- He Shows Up Late Regularly
Punctuality is one aspect that if violated often it shows that you are not valued in the life of the man because he Karina Chitsa : 8. On time is as fundamental in most of relationships and it is also an indicator that he respect your time. - He upgrades them and has dating apps in his phone by now.
If he has dating apps installed with him at a time he is engaging in a relationship with you, then, he may be cagey of committing himself to you fully. Such behavior may be a sign of a serious problem. - He forgets Even Small Events including important dates
If he often forgot important events for example anniversaries or even your birth date then it can of indicate that you do not cross his mind. If a partner loves you, he or she will always have it in mind to remind you or even celebrate special occasions. - He Decides On Crucial Matters While Leaving You Out
It is erectile dysfunction if he frequently makes big decisions in regard to your relationship without consulting you. Even in health relationships, a lot of focus should be put on decisions equally made and activities done together.
- That’s where you are the only one making efforts.
If you constantly initiate calls, make the first move in any interaction or even buy gifts, then something is not right, and he may not be completely into you. It is a mutual process when both partners are involved; if not, it will create a long-term flavor of discontentment.
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