Confronted with an unidentified object in or around one’s home, people feel a rush of desire to know more about the object accompanied by a healthy dose of fear if the object looks remotely like something sinister, such as an egg. This was the story of one woman who find a small, round, yellow something in the corner of her room that causes her to panic and wonder where it came from.

The Discovery
As it was inflatable, rubber lined and very large in size, its shape was smooth and bulbous so that it was not camouflageable and aroused curiosity on sight. Feeling het up about what it could be, the woman felt it necessary to contact an Internet group for advice. In no time at all the comment section exploded with responses, with many respondents proposing that the mass may be a spider’s egg sack. The thought of hundreds of baby spiders perhaps hatching in her house only helped to heighten her anxiety.
Others joined in with their suggestions, saying it could be eggs of insects or even representative of an infestation by pests. The situation was quite precarious, and the woman was, of course, tense.

A Closer Look
Just as the couple panicked, the woman’s father entered the scene. It became the personal mission of the man to take a closer look at the object that he could not explain. Given a good amount of perception and some prior knowledge about such things, he immediately knew that the yellow ball was not an egg, but a piece of an expanding foam often employed in the repair of roofs.
This foam is meant to increase in size and completely filling areas that was initially void and forms a harder surface after sometime. The peculiar shape of the object was due to dripping of the foam while in a repair activity and then it hardened in an abnormal position.
The Lesson Learned
This case is a good one to remind us that we should not make quick conclusions about objects we come across in our homes, especially ones which seem strange to us. Some might think of the worst possible scenarios, but a twenty-four-hour inspection or talking it over with the right specialist usually removes anxiety for no reason.
In this situation, what could have become a desperate search for a pest control problem, was actually construction material. It is always important to have this in mind, sometimes, the most supernatural looking artifacts do have great explanations.
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